Predictive Conversion

  • Category: Web design
  • Client: Business Case - Audiobook Store
  • Project date: March, 2023
  • Project URL:

How to increase web business sales

If a customer is unlikely to return, there is no reason to spend money on advertising for him/her. If we can focus our efforts solely on customers who are likely to convert again, we can make huge savings.

The goals are a boolean variable (0 or 1). We are taking a 2-year period on our inputs, and the next 6 months as targets. So, in effect, we are predicting if: based on the last 2 years of activity and engagement, a customer will convert in the next 6 months. If they don't convert after 6 months, it's likely that they moved to a competitor or didn't like the audiobook platform.

An automatic learning algorithm will be created, which is capable of predicting if a customer will buy again.